Is Your Real Estate Career Surviving the Virus — Live Love Arkansas

This Virus….How will your Business survive all the craziness? Will you have a Business left? Statistically the average Realtor will not survive this downward turn in the market. What systems are you working thru? Are your leads still flowing? Are buyers calling about homes?

What are we doing today?? We are working HARD today so the future looks bright…..We will survive …

Here are a few things we are doing today to ensure our Future

+Enhanced Market Center

+Increased Re Targeting ads

+ Implemented Safe Showings

+ Increased Virtual Tours

+ Increased Our Advertising Budget

+Running NON selling Ads

+ Diving deep into forming lasting relationships with clients New & Old

+ Sponsoring Food Drives

+Delivering Medicines, Food, Pet supplies

+Reaching out to Our Past Clients just to talk about their fears

+Researching what the needs are in our #CommUNITY

+Sponsoring ONLINE Scholarship programs

This is not the time to sell, its the time to LEAD……Join us on our Journey

#WeAreInThisTogether #ItsMoreThanRealEstate

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