I’m exhausted… but a good exhausted.

Just want to check in this month with good news in the Real Estate World and a little about my world today..…

The housing market is unbelievable! We saw a record month in July with home values increasing and supply levels drastically down.  We need Homes to sell!

If you are looking for a home in Russellville right now there are only 87 homes for sale, and only 9 are under $100,000. We are greatly lacking in inventory in every price range.

As a buyer, don’t let the increasing values scare you off from investing in a home. Interest rates are at historic lows right now, so keep shopping!

Over the last 18 months my dad passed away, my mom was diagnosed with dementia, I’ve been loving on my grandson, running & growing a business, managing 28 agents (and counting..). I am exhausted, but work is my calm in this craziness…and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

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This week, I have seen the market slightly slow down.  This is pretty normal with school starting back up and the uncertainty we all feel right now with Covid..

I will admit, sending my grandson back to daycare was super stressful for me, but I knew my daughter had to return to work, and I had to support that decision (even if I didn’t want to 😊) but boy was it scary, so I understand the stress-fullness of it all.

We are all enduring difficulties and challenges right now, and I believe we are all in this Together. I do know one thing is for certain: We can learn, grow, and build a stronger CommUNITY from all this. So, lets continue to be kind and love one another and make our WORLD a little better!
