Welcome to another virtual edition of This Weekend in the River Valley — and beyond! If you are looking for something you can do without leaving home, we have some suggestions for you! Take a look at these online happenings. You’re sure to find something you and your family will love!

Documentary Heaven

Looking for an interesting documentary? Documentary Heaven offers up an amazing variety of documentaries they call “food for the brain”. Some you might want to check out are: Secrets of the Stone Age, 50 Years of Exploration, NASA’s Golden Anniverary, The Secret Life of Dogs, Steve Irwin - Crocs Down Under, or Riddles of the Sphinx. You can browse titles by category, or use their search tool to find one on a specific subject.

Who doesn’t like a good magic show? Learn magic tricks on line for free that you can use to amaze your friends and family. Or maybe your children can amaze YOU with a magic show! At GoodTricks.net you can learn card tricks, coin tricks, optical illusions and even levitation tricks!

Yosemite National Park

Explore the park like never before! There are separate tours of Diving Board, Tuolumne Meadows, Nevada Fall and more! Check out the scenic beauty of one of our most beautiful national treasures without having to strap on your hiking shoes!

The San Diego Zoo

Have you ever wanted to take a trip to the San Diego Zoo? Now you can from the comfort of your own living room! While the zoo and safari park are temporarily closed to the public, you can still visit through their live web cams. Africa Rocks offers a live Baboon Cam and a live Penguin Cam. Or if the Outback is more your style, tune into the Koala Cam. Giraffes, Elephants, Tigers and more, are waiting to be watched in Safaria Park.

That ought to keep you busy this weekend! Let us know what your favorite virtual events are. And if you put on a magic show, we want to know about it! We’ll be back next weekend with some more awesome virtual adventures for you and your family to enjoy. Until then, stay safe and have a blessed weekend!